In the complex therapy of the cervical chondrosis (osteochondrosis) used in injectable solutions, ointments, creams, tablets, sugar-coated tablets. Drugs pain, swelling, inflammation, loss of sensitivity, dizziness, irregular blood pressure.

The characteristic features of the disease
While cervical degenerative disc disease accompanied by a slow, irreversible destruction of the intervertebral disc. Without a damping system, cartilaginous strips, the bony vertebrae also begin to deform. At a reception in the vertebrologist, or neurologist, the patient end pain, stiffness, dizziness, a sudden lifting complain of acute or pain, so that therapeutic regimens consist of drugs with different properties:
- or external resources with a local anesthetic, regenerating, warming effect;
- Medications, the nutrition of the brain;
- chondroprotectors, the triggering processes for the recovery of drives;
- local and systemic analgesics.
Pathology is still not a complete cure. The efforts of the doctors, directed to the elimination of painful symptoms, inhibiting the spread of the disease to other parts of the spine. For this purpose, complex therapies with the use of drugs of different groups.
Signs of cervical chondrosis
In the initial phase of the development of the symptoms of the disease in women and men are virtually non-existent. Occasionally people worry weak complaints in the evening hours. He pulls on your fatigue after a day of work, so to the doctor is not drawn. And in this time, its intervertebral discs gradually destroyed. The vertebrae are deformed with the formation of bony outgrowths along the A. vertebralis. After about a year of uncomfortable feeling replace the pain, worse when cornering or head tilt. Manifested chondrosis and symptoms:
- Clicks, crackle in the neck;
- Restriction of volume of movements;
- irregular blood pressure;
- Heart palpitations;
- migrenepodobnykh one-sided throbbing headache;
- visual and auditory disorders;
- Dizziness, uncertainty of gait, sensations of the alleged rotation of the objects;
- Bouts of nausea, rarely go to the end of the vomiting.
Due to a lack of oxygen to the brain to sleep, is upset, there is weakness, apathy, fatigue, Tinnitus. The Psycho-emotional state of the people is deteriorating — he is nervous, worried over trifles.
The principles of drug treatment
For the treatment of cervical chondrosis manual therapists, professional masseurs involved, physiotherapists, doctors, exercise therapy. In the last Phase, the use of natural remedies allows. But the most important role in the complex therapy pharmacological drugs allocated. Forms are asked all the dosage:
- injectable solutions be liable for exacerbations chondrosis for its rapid removal of sick symptoms;
- Tablets, capsules, Dragees, during the Remission for the prevention of the destruction of hard drives, the elimination of the weak or moderate pain, restoration of blood circulation;
- Ointments, gels, balms, creams the the stiffness, grinding safely, quickly, with an unpleasant.
Rarely do you treat osteochondrosis of a mixture. In the therapeutic scheme in the rule no less than 5 Tools with various pharmaceutical contain pharmacological properties. Combined, they can be conveniently used at home.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs are more likely than other drugs in the treatment of cervical chondrosis. It shows in sharp, piercing, or distant, dull pain. The mechanism of action of NSAIDs is based on the ability to inhibit enzymes that inhibit the production of neurotransmitters. All NSAIDs have a complex effect on the human organism:
- the pain liquidate;
- pohrustyvanie, ratchet, to eliminate the rotating of the neck;
- stop during the acute, subacute, chronic inflammatory processes, the effects on the soft tissue;
- the reduction of swelling, woman stimulate enemy at the end of the sensitive nerves;
- increase the spine, the amount of movements in the damaged neck.
In the therapy of chondrosis well preparations have proven their worth in the Form of solutions for injection. Of tablets practiced appointment. Long-term use of NSAIDs leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach. Avoid the concomitant use of proton pump inhibitors . Drugs reduce the production of parietal cells of the aggressive gastric juice, increases the under the influence of NSAIDs.
Synthetic Hormones
Glucocorticoids — synthetic analogues of the hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. It's heavy artillery is disorders "" drug treatment of cervical degenerative disc. Like natural hormones, glucocorticoids quickly inflammation, swelling cut pain, to eliminate it almost immediately. Be used in the Form of solutions for intramuscular administration. But in the case of acute pain, perhaps, to their introduction directly into the area of the destroyed intervertebral disc. Thérapie tapered pathology hormonal medicines will be carried out. It is a needle is not enough sting, the pain appeared to be removed within 3-5 days. Glucocorticoids appointed patients with osteochondrosis in the case of ineffectiveness of NSAIDs. The whole thing is in a wide list of possible side effects. Too frequent use of hormones leads to damage to muscles, bone, use, muscle-tendon-ligament apparatus. Hormonal agent, it is forbidden, during the incubation of the child, during lactation, in the teenage and children's age. For all corticosteroids, very much contraindications. In clinical practice, cases of the lifting of the heavy defeat of the liver, the kidney, the stomach after a prolonged hormone therapy. They do not apply in the presence of liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcers, kidney failure, osteoporosis.
Medicines with effective chondro-protective
Of all the means applied in the complex treatment of chondrosis to remove only the symptoms, while improving the health of the people. The only exception — chondroprotectors. In the composition of these drugs ingredients that are capable, they start the restoration of the destroyed cartilage of the intervertebral discs. The neck stops the pain disappear after their application to a few hours, but forever. In pharmacies chondroprotectors in a wide range presented. These capsules, the substances for the preparation of injectable solutions, powders, put up in packages. The most well-known chondroprotectors with proven therapeutic efficacy are required.
Means to improve the micro-circulation
Popular drug to improve the blood circulation in the cervical osteochondrosis -nicotinate. These medicines are degree in the treatment of the pathology of the high difficult, if deformed, not only the discs but also the bony vertebrae. The compression of the vertebral artery is shown cervicobrachialgia. So the whole complex of symptoms is the impairment of the vertebral artery: headache, "fly" before the eyes, temporary blurred vision, sweating, heart palpitations. Improve microcirculation, liquidate "syndrome of the vertebral artery" helps tioctic acid. It enters into the composition in the Form of tablets issued solutions for parenteral administration. The disadvantage of such medicines indiscriminate effect because they speed up the movement of blood in the whole body, which is not always advisable. So, in the list of your contraindications epilepsy, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer included.
Supplements with Vitamin B
Treatment of cervical degenerative disc diseases in the acute stage is without the use of drugs, whose composition is formed by vitamins of group B. the fact that the sharp bony outgrowths of the vertebral body violated not only the vertebral artery. They exert pressure on sensitive nerve roots, compressing Innervation. Nerve impulses in the CNS is delayed, inhibited in your response. The violation of the Innervation lead to paresthesia — loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the body. In the medical treatment of cervical chondrosis good preparations have been proven, their activity was determined pyridoxine, thiamine, and B12. Many of them are in the Form of solutions for intramuscular administration. It contains vitamins of group B, and narcotics. So, after performing the injection, immediately the pain disappears, the extent of movements in the area of the cervical vertebrae is recovering. At the same time, improves the blood circulation, the work of the nervous, muscular and circulatory System, relieves inflammation, Degeneration of the nerve. Are there any contraindications for its use. These periods of pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to ingredients.
The best muscle relaxants
The elimination of the weak symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease and the treatment at home, his exacerbations often made difficult by muscular spasms. Nerve root the suspended discs discs, inflammatory edema is squeezed. To eliminate the strongest pain which the body tries to muscular spasm. Thanks to this peculiar defensive reaction limited to the mobility of the people, the complaints will disappear. But often, increased Tonus of the skeletal muscles, the cause is even more pressure on the nerves. Severe pain appears so that you can handle it only with a muscle relaxant. Muscle relaxants combined with all of the resources for drug treatment chondrosis, including corticosteroids. They are well tolerated, but some can be addictive and "withdrawal symptoms". So they are not for long-term therapy. The duration of the treatment cycle, weeks, not to exceed.
Drugs to improve the Psycho-emotional state
From all Kondratov exactly cervical, especially the Psycho-worse-emotional state of the people. The whole thing in the narrowing of the bony outgrowths of the vertebral artery, which leads to hypoxia of the brain. The Patient suffers from atypical for the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system symptoms:
- Panic attacks;
- Depression, Neurosis;
- visual and auditory disorders;
- dry unproductive cough;
- Shortness of breath;
- Anxiety, Apathy, Fatigue;
- various sleep disorders.
This is not to do if they occur — the use of medication against cough, eye or ear drops. The symptoms will often eliminate the history receiving means with soft soothing effect.
Vitamin complex symmetric
Most of the vitamins, essential micro - and macro-nutrients in the human organism together with food. But it is not always food available, physiological need, or the incorrect recording, distribution can. Example: in the case of diseases of the blood circuit, the characteristic of the cervical intervertebral disc degeneration. A chard of bioactive substances, the negative impact on the work of all systems of life. For a quick replenishment of the body's daily requirement of vitamins, micro - and macro-nutrients in therapies your well-balanced complex needs involved. Magnesium forms muscle and bone tissue, and iodine regulates the metabolism. Manganese, molybdenum, chromium, potassium, chlorine, selenium, and zinc stimulate the strengthening of the muscle-tendon-ligament apparatus, copper and alleviates inflammatory processes. These minerals are in all the above-mentioned complex. The correct use of medicines is the use of 1 tablet per day — this quantity is sufficient for the improvement of the blood supply to the brain with nutrients. After a week, the symptoms of anemia, the 3 stages of development of a cervical chondrosis disappear. The person no longer feels drowsiness, suffers from disorders of coordination. Double the items disappears see in front of the eyes.
Therapeutic Patches
Proven to exacerbations osteochondrosis — pepper-Patch. Its composition, Recovery of perfume presented, peppers, belladonna. The active ingredients of the patch to penetrate gradually in the area of the damaged hard disk, an analgesic effect over a period of 3-5 hours. If the neck is painful, then use an external Tool to use, whole or cut into small pieces. Pepper court plaster, handy for the treatment at home, at work or on the go. But he has contraindications — hypersensitivity to one of the components. And in the case of women with sensitive skin, it can cause etching. Patch show anti-inflammatory, to reduce swelling, chondro-protective activity. They are suitable for the treatment of all pathologies of the cervical spine. Your application helps reduce the pharmacological burden on the human body by reducing the doses of systemic drugs.
How to properly cervical chondrosis to treat?
You stop the destruction of the intervertebral disc are only a holistic approach to therapy. Practiced the wearing of orthoses (collars), with which the vertebrae in anatomical Position. Necessarily applicators dispenser to be used for the improvement of blood to damaged tissue with nutrients and bioactive substances. Shows the daily sessions of physical therapy, Yoga, swimming, walks in the fresh air. Most of a medication useful for the relief of symptoms in the period of exacerbations. They have many side effects, including tissue damage of the liver. For the duration of the use of chondroprotectors, a means of improving the blood circulation, balanced Vitamin suitable Mineral complex.